(012) 348 4295 info@communityrail.co.za

Human Capital Division

Community Rail Services is well resourced with competent and seasoned HR experts with over 15 years of experience in various industries including: Rail, Construction, Energy, Mining, Forestry and Petroleum. Community Rail Services training team is led by expert and highly competent trainers with high technical background from artisan development, supervisory, management and leadership and Women development programmes.

Our competencies and capabilities enable us to deliver the following HR services:

  • HR Strategy formulation and execution;
  • HR Policy development;
  • Training and development:
    • Artisan Training;
    • Management, supervisory  and Functional Training;
    • Youth development programmes; and
    • Women Empowerment programmes;
  • Capacity building;
  • Remunerations and Benefits management;
  • Health & Benefits;
  • Mergers and Acquisitions;
  • Restructuring;
  • Industrial Relations; and
  • Transformation and Change Management.


Our key focus will be on apprenticeship institutionalized training, which includes:

  • Trades, Fitters, Turners, Fitters and Turners, Electricians, Millwrights, and Instrument Technicians;
  • Training to uplift artisan skills;
  • Training program for artisan aides/helpers;
  • Training program for dual trade; and
  • Engineering skills for Operational Personnel.


The Human Capital division is geared to develop an accelerated integrated training programme focusing on closing the existing skills gap created by insufficient skills transfer and technical brain drain which is currently a high risk in achieving the country’s vision of providing reliable and improved rolling stock to all South Africans. To this end CRS will provide the following technical programmes in the Rail Manufacturing and Maintenance sector